Нови курсове за Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, System Center 2012
|Windows 8 официално е тук и вероятно сте нетърпеливи да проучите в детайли какво предлага новата операционна система на Microsoft?
New Horizons Bulgaria отбелязва събитието с обновено портфолио от курсове за най-новите продукти на Microsoft. При нас можете да посетите новите курсове за Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 и Microsoft System Center 2012!
Пълният списък с нови курсове можете да видите по-долу:
Курс | Дати | Регистрация |
20687 Configuring Windows 8 This course provides students hands-on experience with Windows 8. It provides guidance on installing, upgrading, and licensing for Windows 8. Students will learn how to manage storage by creating simple, spanned, and striped volumes, and how to optimize file-system performance. Additionally, they will learn how to manage available disk space by using quotas. Students will work with Windows tools and services to determine the source of performance and reliability issues, and to troubleshoot these issues. |
11.2012 01.2013 |
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Building Windows 8 Style Applications Using JavaScript and HTML5 3-day course covering all of the essential information needed to build Win8 Style apps with HTML and JavaScript or XAML and .NET. Learn how to apply Windows 8 design principles in new touch-centric applications, how to leverage new WinRT APIs, and how to use the latest tools from Microsoft to build and debug Windows 8 style apps. Also discover the pros and cons of building Windows 8 style apps with HTML/JS and XAML/.NET, as well as techniques for porting existing Silverlight and Windows Phone apps to Windows 8 style. |
11.2012 01.2013 |
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20411: Administering Windows Server 2012 Students will learn the administration tasks necessary to maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as user and group management, network access and data security. |
11.2012 01.2013 |
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20412: Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services Students will learn advanced configuration and services tasks necessary to deploy, manage and maintain Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as identity management, identity federation, network load balancing, business continuity and disaster recovery. |
11.2012 01.2013 |
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20417: Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows Server 2012 The student will learn new features and functionality in Windows Server 2012 around Management, Networking Infrastructure, Storage, Access Control, Hyper-V, High Availability, and Identity Federation. |
11.2012 01.2013 |
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10747: Administering System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Students will gain the knowledge and skills to configure and manage a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager site and its associated site systems in the role of Configuration Manager administrators. |
11.2012 01.2013 |
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10748: Deploying System Center 2012 Configuration Manager Students will learn how to plan and deploy a System Center 2012 Configuration Manager hierarchy, including a central administration site (CAS), one or more primary sites and secondary sites, and all associated site systems. |
12.2012 02.2013 |
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10750: Monitoring and Operating a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 This course describes the various components of System Center and how to deploy, monitor and manage a service and prepackaged applications in to the private cloud as well as automating incident creation, remediation and change requests. The course is intended for Datacenter administrators responsible for monitoring and protecting the private cloud infrastructure and solution architects responsible for designing private cloud architectures and extending existing private cloud solutions. |
12.2012 02.2013 |
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10751: Configuring and Deploying a Private Cloud with System Center 2012 This course teaches students how to design, install and configure a private cloud, including how to configure and deploy the application infrastructure as well as the key components of System Center 2012 that are necessary for delivering services on the private cloud infrastructure. This course is intended for data center administrators who will be responsible for designing, installing, and configuring a private cloud infrastructure. |
12.2012 02.2013 |
Заяви участие |
Защо да изберете обучение в New Horizons?
New Horizons Bulgaria е дългогодишен Златен партньор на Майкрософт за обучения. Всички Microsoft курсове в учебен център New Horizons Bulgaria се провеждат от сертифициран инструктор (Microsoft Certified Trainer), според официален учебен план на Microsoft (Microsoft Official Curriculum) и с официални учебници на Microsoft. При завършване на курса получавате сертификат на Microsoft за завършен oторизиран курс. Над 40% от всички официални Microsoft курсове в света се доставят от New Horizons Computer Learning Centers.